Fig. 1 A simulated black hole over a starry background. Background stars behind and near the line-of-sight become a blended ring caused by gravitational lensing. (Courtesy NASA) |
Believe it or don’t, the first recorded mention of even the
possibility of a black hole-like body dates all the way back to 1783. English geologist John Michell described the light-absorbing
properties such a body might possess. Keep in mind that this was only 50-some years after Isaac Newton died, and he was the one who first described gravity. Surprised the heck out of me. Here I’d been thinking it dated back
only to the 1979 Walt Disney movie.
French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace suggested similar
star-body properties in 1796, but the notion was then shelved through much of
the 1800s.
It wasn’t until shortly after Albert Einstein proposed his
theory of general relativity in 1915, suggesting the physics for such an occurrence,
that the concept was revived. German physicist Karl Schwarzschild and Dutch physicist Johannes Droste,
working independently, developed specific formulas that would begin to define
the nature of the body which could overcome the speed of light by an
extraordinarily intense gravity field.
Another significant term defining the anatomy of a black hole is event horizon. This describes the edge
or surface of the spherical area surrounding the singularity at which limit gravity overcomes the speed of light; the singularity itself is the "core" of a black hole while the event horizon is its outermost "skin." Think of it like the outer edge of the atmosphere
around the earth. For a black hole singularity, this surface is described as an event
horizon because, once you pass it, everything changes (not necessarily in a fun way).
Fig. 3 Plasma jets erupt from the super-
energized accretion disk as it meets the
event horizon. (Courtesy NASA)
As all this implies, the singularity is called a
black hole because it sucks in all light that comes within its event horizon,
leaving no way to directly observe it. Technically, it’s invisible, though there are a few
ways to “see” one. We’ll get to that later.
What causes a black hole?
In a nutshell, a whole lot of particulate matter squeezed
down into a very, very, very small space. The most common are probably collapsed stars, though theoretical physicists suggest several sources. Again,
more on that after a bit.
If you took our sun (Hey, who can tell me our sun’s stellar
name? Answer next week.), if you take our sun (about 1.4 million miles across) and crush
it down until it could fit into the Grand Canyon (which is 1 mile deep), the sun would become a black
hole (the Grand Black Hole?). All of the matter in the sun would be
packed together so densely that it would have a gravitational field that even
light couldn’t escape. And since nothing can travel faster than light, I’d stay
away from the Grand Black Hole, if I were you.
In reality, though, our sun does not contain enough mass to
develop the force of the collapse necessary to become a black hole. It may take a
star with up to 20 times the mass of the sun to collapse into a singularity.
Fig. 4 A small star (L) has its stellar matter drawn into the accretion disk of a nearby black hole (R) (Courtesy **) |
Where do black holes come from?
The more popular theories suggest four types of
- Super-massive black holes (SMBH), which occupy the center—and likely help form—most spiral galaxies like our own. An SMBH continuously draws stellar material into itself, always enlarging from the mass of the material it accumulates. The source of SMBHs is uncertain. One theory suggests they are the result of colliding masses of stars, such as head-on galaxy smash-ups (they happen). An SMBH can have as much mass as several million to several billion stars the size of our sun (our sun = 1 “solar mass”).
- Stellar black holes are formed after an aging star uses up all of its expansive energy-producing matter—sometimes exploding in a supernova in its death throes—while all of its remaining matter collapses in on itself. Stellar black holes may contain five to twenty times the mass of our sun (5 to 20 solar masses, opinions vary) compressed into a single point (don’t try this at home).
- A highly theoretical type (though evidence of their existence is mounting) is the intermediate mass black hole (IMBH), perhaps containing 100 to 1000 solar masses. Their existence is the hardest to explain; the jury is still out.
- Micro or miniature black holes, possibly formed from colliding material right after the Big Bang, may be smaller than an atom but contain the same amount of mass as Mount Everest; also highly theoretical.
Fig. 5 Simulation of "Einstein Ring" gravitational lensing as a black hole
passes in front of a distant galaxy. (Courtesy **)
Here are some methods by which we can detect black holes.
Stellar black holes, SMBHs and IMBHs are surrounded
by flattened accretion disks (picture
track and field’s throwing discus) made up of the accumulated stars, stellar gas and
dust, or other cosmic material being drawn toward the singularity at its
center. This material becomes more and more compressed, and thus hotter and
hotter, as it approaches the event horizon. Accretion disks are easily observable and are a primary
indicator of a singularity. (Examples, Figs. 4 & 6)
As the accreted material, now energized in the extreme,
approaches the event horizon, it can throw off visible plasma jets perpendicular to
itself and along the line of the polar axis of the spinning singularity, another way black holes can makes themselves known. (Examples, Figs. 3 & 6)
Black holes cause gravitational lensing, a topic mentioned, in passing, in an earlier essay. This distortion of light passing near the event horizon is caused by the singularity's intense gravity. It can help in the detection of a black hole that is viewed against other cosmic background objects. (Examples, Figs. 1 & 5)
Stellar black holes may give themselves away when their
gravitational allure causes a nearby star to enter
an off-center orbital dance that betrays the singularity’s presence. The
singularity may also be seen to draw stellar gas away from the partner star
toward itself. (Example, Fig. 4)
What would a visit to a black hole be like?
On the bright side, death would be instantaneous. The event
horizon is not a friendly place for carbon-based life forms—or much else.
Things would happen so fast that there wouldn’t be time to notice; actually,
there may not be time in any form. It’s been suggested that, as your body
crossed the event horizon, it would be sucked immediately toward the singularity in a long string of
individual atoms, though some particles might first be thrown off at the event horizon into the hot plasma
jets—to be shot a hundred light years into intergalactic space. The rest of you would be smashed into unrecognizable sub-atomic smithereens, melding none-too-gently into the ultra-solid mass of the singularity. So you probably
won’t need a sweater.