First, let me introduce a new topic header, “Out on a limb.”
Again and anon I will utilize this header to indicate I am going to go way
beyond my depth (think Marianas Trench ) by proposing
theoretical vectors which are, at least to my
knowledge, new or different. Since I already have ventured thusly in one prior
post, on 2011-02-02, I have altered that header in keeping with this new
Now, to once again go where angels fear to tread.
Seems to me that time, per se, gets short shrift in the
whole “spacetime” business with which astrophysics busies itself. And in
quantum physics, at least the more popular sources that I skim, time seems
hardly an issue at all.

Still, I went so far as to read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time. In my
estimation, it dealt much more with space and matter than with time. In all,
physicists seem scads more preoccupied with issues like dark matter, the cause
of gravity or superstring theory. Time may be a factor, but it seems almost
Here’s what I think: time
doesn’t exist.
(To be continued.)
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