In acknowledging my Second Grade-level comprehension of particle physics, I was awestruck with the string theory explanation provided in a Kurzgesagt video on YouTube.
Kurzgesagt combines the German terms kurz (koorts) and gesagt (gay-SAHGT), literally, "briefly said," into a compound word which translates handily into the English idiom, "in a nutshell."
As a YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt examines a very wide range

of science-related topics in a generally elemental, simplified, and brief format, often with tongue-in-cheek humor. That jocularity includes their penchant to "try to destroy the universe at least once every few months," as stated (at 05:50) in their video,
The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe – False Vacuum, one of several blackly gleeful videos in their series on universal annihilation.

More on topic, in their video,
String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?, Kurzgesagt laid out what was, for me, at least, the clearest explanation of the literal minutiae of particle physics. It was probably beneficial that I had also viewed their video on the makeup of elementary particles,
What is Something?, the day before.
I might just be ready for Third Grade.
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